Archive 08/14/09 - (2)


Reason Enough


With each retreat I make, from suburban society,

Returning to Lake Nebagamon gets easier, sweeter.

I'm less and less of a stranger to myself,

More comfortable with whom I'm gradually becoming,

Every time I settle into my shore-nestled cabin,

To witness and listen to the weeks, months, years

Arriving, receding, deciding when the occasion is right,

To resume the blessed unfolding of their majestical seasons,

Oversee the leaves unfurling, from sleep to greening,

The lake flowing, from glistening ripples to groaning ice,

Mid-eighties June and July slipping into chilling September,

Rainbow-hued October blowing into blizzard-frigid December,

Groggy March, restive April, creek-flooded May

Inviting me back, for another series of rejuvenating stays,

That I might perpetuate the rendezvous with my future.

This subdued Friday night in mid-August,

Sitting on the familiar deck of the Lawn Beach Inn,

Surveying the luminous nine o'clock sky,

I realize that just being in the throes of such natural rapture

Is reason enough for my retreats to Lake Nebagamon.











08/14/09 - (2)












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