Archive 08/21/09 - (4)




This yet-blue low-sixties twilight,

I sit by myself, outdoors, at the Lawn Beach Inn,

Watching two very young teenagers —


The only swimmers at the municipal beach.

After a few minutes, they climb atop the anchored raft,

The girl in a skimpy bikini, the boy in baggy trunks,


Both cavorting, holding each other close,

Repeatedly caressing, kissing, unabashedly,

Oblivious of anyone who might be looking at them.


By the time I pour a glass of wine and gaze out again,

The adolescents are gone; the raft is desolate;

And I'm as alone as I was when I first sat down,


Though not lonely,

Since I have my own companion beside me, tonight.

The lake and I have been lovers, for ages.











08/21/09 - (4)












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