Archive 09/02/09 - (1)


Mr. Tambo and Mr. Bones Play Pewhoreia



"Ya can leads yo whores to water,

But can ya water yo whores

Without takin' a leek

Dat makes ya weeps fo' joy?"

"I'd have to checks my whoreoscope, on dat one."


"What does ya gets

When ya crosses an onion with a donkey?"

"A leeky tub full o' burro guts?"

"No, numbnuts, ya dumb cluck —

A piece o' ass what brings tears to yo eyes."


"Does ya know what a black jackass

'N a shallot done has in common

With a Barack Obama?"

"No, ho!" "Neither does I, assho,

But dat never stopped me from askin', befwhore."
















09/02/09 - (1)












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