Archive 09/22/09


Amateur Naturalist



How elementally comforting it is,

Awakening to rain reciting, to me, its psalms and proverbs,

Just beyond my cabin's open windows,


Knowing I've not yet taken time to decide

Whether I'll go to the only place I have to be going:



In any event, I'll either stay holed up

Or manage to walk in and around, up and down, the town

And along the sand-path labyrinths of the closed boys' camp.


Now, the precipitation seems to have taken shelter elsewhere

Or, like an ancient geyser, played itself out;

Either way, the afternoon belongs to me.


Outdoors, in shoes, shorts, T-shirt, nothing more,

I'm enveloped in a low-hovering, cloud-laden mist,

An ash-white circumambience of dense saturation,


As though what, just hours ago, was a steady downpour

Has escaped into a vaporous state,

Chosen to suspend its peremptory intentions indefinitely,


Content to have left its legacy of wetness

Dripping from tree leaves, glistening on grass,

Gathered in street puddles, gutters, on every tangible surface.


Ah, but then, wouldn't you know it,

Just when I think we're all done with today's changes

And I've ranged half a mile away from my cabin,


Here comes the chilly rain, again,

Playing me for the amateur naturalist I'll always be,

Unable to read the North Woods' most elemental elements.



















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