Archive 10/01/09


Bad Night on the High Seas



This Thursday night is a warm, swarming wind

So rambunctious, tumultuous, violent,

That as I sit on the patio at Cardwell's, in Clayton,

I'm a scurvy buccaneer piloting a ramshackle sloop,

On the eighteenth-century high seas,

About to intercept an unsuspecting British ship

Lumbering home, from the colonies.


Suddenly, a rude gust blows my glass off the table,

Sends it crashing to the concrete ocean waves.

Now, a torrential demon drenches me,

Drives me and my duffel/attaché indoors,

Where, for the next few hours, I'll ride out the storm,

Swigging red-wine grog, straight from the bottle,

Cursing the hardscrabble life of a suburban pirate.























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