Archive 10/19/09 - (2)





On my own (as I've not been in more than forty years),

Able to experiment with options close and far —

Under my nose, just below the stars —


I revel in being completely cut loose,

Free to choose what I'll do, tonight, where I'll go to eat,

Whether I'll keep to myself, associate with my soul,


Meet a woman I'll know in a place close to now,

Possessed by desires identical to mine,

Whom I'll arrive with, at wherever wherever might be,


Or stay out late, way past dawn,

Waiting for my shadow to catch up with my spirit,

So that we might head west, toward the next sunset,


Get there just in time to start over again,

Able to experiment with options close and far,

Dimensions of freedom even now making room for me.













10/19/09 - (2)












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