Archive 11/13/09 - (1)


Economics for Dummies



If consumer spending is the engine that drives our economy,

Indeed represents over two-thirds of the GDP,

And jobs are the fuel that keep the machine running,


What happens when we send our manufacturing overseas,

To compete in the free market, for the cheapest possible costs,

Reap the greatest profits in the mass-retail arena?


What but the obvious: the walls cave in, the bottom falls out;

People end up in deep shit, shit out of luck,

When it comes to gainful employment. And then what?


Your guess is as good as the next welfare recipient's anxiety,

The next foreclosed chump's humiliated helplessness,

The next drain-sewer/street bum's resignation.


Maybe Bentonville, Arkansas, will become Washington, D.C.,

Wal-Mart, not Congress, the governing body of the U.S.,

Its CEO and CFO the president and vice president, respectively.


And if so, all citizens in this corporate people's republic

Will don the blue jacket, be proud greeters and asssociates —

Happy vassals in a secure, made-in-China America.








11/13/09 - (1)












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