Archive 11/24/09 - (2)






Who knew that, one day,

You'd finally put to worthy use your doomaflitchy,

That monumental tool you dragged all the way beyond youth,


Well through your high-school and college tribulations,

As if it were your security blanket,

Pacifier, touchstone, talisman, St. Christopher medallion,


That one-size-fits-all,

Come-in-handy-on-a-rainy-day, highly adaptable doomaflitchy,

Which your imagination toted in its holster, like a six-shooter,


Just in case a great leveler was called for,

To equal out the uneven odds

Tilting the playing field decidedly not in your favor?


Certainly not you.

In fact, no longer ago than your occluded memory extends

(Which blends future and past into a miasmic now),


You'd completely forgotten your doomaflitchy's very existence,

Let alone that it was your ultimate protection against evil,

Were the worst you might imagine ever to occur.


But tonight, in your hour of gravest, deepest desperation,

The very moment you're grasping for your last gasp of breath,

With a furious, final blast of unparalleled courage,


You brandish your magnificent doomaflitchy

And, sighting down its shaft, to annihilate the dread enemy,

Drive it, unflinchingly, straight through the eye of death.








11/24/09 - (2)












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