Archive 12/01/09 - (1)


The Maternal Side




Pinchas Hoffmeister,

A Jew by birth, thanks to his loving mother

(Shoshanah Glotz Hoffmeister, his mom, was one of eight children;


Her father, a German Lutheran of extensive genealogical record,

Had, by naiveté, sheer accident, a mistake of fate,

Taken a chachka Fräulein, in a fit of uncontainable lust),


Considered his religious heritage a mixed blessing, at best,

A curse of dread, treacherous circumstances, at worst,

Especially during the early days of the Nazi scourge,


When, all across Germany, synagogues were burned,

Their glass shattered, rabbis shorn of their payesses and beards,

Made to parade like trained organ-grinder monkeys,


Jewish shops and houses were swastikaed, looted,

The Nuremberg Laws retooled, from ploughshares, into swords,

To fit ubiquitous Third Reich guillotines...


Pinchas Hoffmeister feared his unambiguous maternal roots,

Realizing that despite his gentile rearing, history was not his ally,

Rather the enemy all too predisposed to expose him,


Indict him for being who he really was,

By the sheer odd logic of simple distaff genetics —

An "abhorrent," "degraded," "inferior" "verminous" strain of DNA


Dating all the way back to Abraham's first wife, Sarah,

Isaac's wife, Rebekah, on and on and on and on,

Up the oppressed Diasporan feminine generations,


To the seed in Shoshanah Glotz Hoffmeister's assimilated womb,

Which blossomed into Pinchas Hoffmeister,

Who, at the unripened age of Juden-jugend harvest time,


Would be transplanted from Berlin, to Sobibor,

Then winnowed, with one of those guillotine sword-blades,

Which, miraculously, had been alchemized, from solid, to gas,


Prussic-acid vapor, which, in a matter of gasping, grasping screams

Beseeching, "Shema Yisrael," transmogrified Pinchas Hoffmeister

From a Jew to Jewish ash to a Jewish statistic.












12/01/09 - (1)












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