Archive 12/03/09 - (1)


Steam Locomotive




A massive, ash-blasting steam locomotive,

Spitting, groaning, coughing, belching, gasping,

Lumbers, tenaciously, up a hellaciously steep grade,

As it passes, on invisible tracks,

Through the gnarled cliff faces of a shadowy desolation

Known to civilizations dating back to the end times

As the Valley of Deathly Shades.


What cargo that black, acrid locomotive is hauling,

In its thousands and thousands of clattering cattle cars,

Even the buzzards, vultures, crows can't tell,

Though their crazed agitation and frantic circling

Prophesy their ravenous appetites soon will be sated.

Within hours, the skies are swirling with ashes

Those scavengers devour, without ever landing.
















12/03/09 - (1)












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