Archive 12/18/09


Cover Story




Perhaps it's no accident

That USA Today's December 18–20 cover story

Isn't about the recession, health care, climate change,

Our tandem "long wars," in Afghanistan and Iraq,

Rather an in-depth two-page profile of Brett Favre,

Playing, winning, in his nineteenth NFL season, at forty,

For his age-old rivals, the Minnesota Vikings.


Could it be that the public is bored, dispirited, jaded,

Reading about the country's routine moribundity,

The depravity and moral duplicity of its politicians,

Its celebrities', clergy's, and corporations' greed, hypocrisy,

And that all it can stomach, this negativistic Christmas,

Is a palpably inspiring story about a sports hero

Who, by sheer will, has prevailed over time's physical strictures,


A self-reliant, all-defining defiance of odds,

A fierce refusal to give in to pain,

An outsize desire to outbest everyone who'd forget his name —

All those primal instincts, which yet fire in his genes,

From the days of our cave-dwelling ancestors,

Who knew how to play one game only: survival?

At least for today, he holds the USA's worst foes at bay.





















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