Archive 01/15/10 - (1)





For half a century after he graduated last in his college class,

Through his numerous fiancées, five wives, countless mistresses,

His words served as his most dishonorably trustworthy advocates,

Bore the brunt of his passages' awkward indiscretions,

Authored his narcissistic Bills of Rights, egotistical Constitutions,

Self-absorbed Declarations of Independence,

Served their terms, being heard by those whom they annihilated.


Then, in the first third of his seventy-second year,

His words abandoned him, simply resigned their posts,

Disappeared into the recesses of silence, like migrating geese,

Rendering him speechless, docile, submissive, childlike,

Incapable of voicing outrageous mendaciousness, vituperation,

Verbally assaulting and battering his multitude of female nurses,

Who, changing his diapers, bathing him, called him "Sweetie."











01/15/10 - (1)












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