Archive 02/01/10 - (2)


The Final Assimilation



Thirty-five hundred years (give or take eons)

After Moses, wearing God's robes, had his audience with Pharaoh,

Foretold of terrible plagues, begged him to let his people go,


I ponder how fortunate is my fate, my vulnerable destiny,

Which has allowed me to elude pogroms, experiments, genocides,

Arrive at this stage of rapprochement with Judenrein,


Manage to escape the cattle cars, the concentration/death camps,

The baptism by Zyklon B Giftgas crystals,

The Topf & Sons ovens, the "Arbeit Macht Frei" ash pits,


Settle down, for the remainder of my inessential existence,

In small-town America, of all places, to enjoy the fruits of ennui,

Hide from the realities of Vaterland bigotry and hubris,


Forget how vulnerable I once was, as a breathing, real-life Jew.

These days of my faceless, day-to-day evanescence,

I know that what's left of Heydrich's and Himmler's Gestapo


Long ago assumed I was shot in my sleep, in my Berlin home,

Typhused at Dachau, Theresiensdtadt, gassed at Treblinka, Sobibor,

And has let me wither away, in my irremediable sorrow, pain.


In Nihilville, where I postpone death, there are no Jews.

I don't even recognize myself, after decades of assimilating

With the fate that dictated the total effacement of my race.








02/01/10 - (2)













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