Archive 02/08/10


Too Fast



This past Saturday a.m.,

Driving home, from Greencastle, Indiana, to St. Louis,

I witnessed, to my stupefaction, bewilderment, horrification,


The aftermath of Friday's blizzard

(Which began at dawn and raged through the violently gusty night),

Strewn, for sixty-eight grisly miles,


Along the intermittently slick Interstate 70 corridor

Connecting Terre Haute with Effingham, Illinois —

A dismal desolation of jackknifed-tractor-trailer and car wreckage.


Oh, the looming destruction: fifteen rigs twisted grotesquely;

I quit counting passenger vehicles at eight,

Though I'm sure there had to be at least two dozen more.


And all the while, less than twelve hours after the storm,

I drove, with maniacal fear, at seventy-five, eighty, eighty-five,

Thinking almost not at all


About the drivers who died or escaped, maimed for life, maybe,

Contemplating nothing but arriving home,

As though those hulks, abandoned in a white, unforgiving desert,


Were unearthly demons perched on the edge of a spectral abyss,

Hungering for a taste of the man passing, too fast,

Through a land catastrophe had civilized.























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