Archive 02/22/10


Children of Laughter


When Old Testament Sarah,

In the very late stages of her miraculously fecund aging,

Averred what, in a vision, merciful YHWH had told her spouse,

Sower of dark-skinned Hagar,

Mother of Ishmael, begetter of the Islamic peoples —

That, no matter how seemingly ludicrous,

She was expecting a "dust dweller" scion, Isaac,

A Hebrew child of their laughter —

Abraham's ecstasy exceeded his most excessive expectations.


After all, he'd been promised, by omnipresent God,

That, one day, he'd be the Father of Nations,

His seed propagating generations more numerous than stars.

But when Isaac was yet a babe, Adonai, testing his father's faith,

Commanded Zion's patriarch to slaughter him, in place of a ram.

Though Elohim spared Isaac, a ludicrous notion laid Abraham low,

An inchoate joke, the vaguest of risible visions:

He'd be known, one day, as the father of six million children,

For whom Elohim would not be there.


























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