Archive 03/05/10 - (1)


Promoting Life


The heroics of growing old,

As old as perdurable Methuselah, even older,

Are changing so fast,

Taking on such tragic, catastrophic ramifications,

That none of us can guess what the consequences will be

Not just for individuals but nations,

When all the land is suppurating with humanity.


Can you imagine a planet overrun with Homo sapiens,

With barely a need for burials, cremations,

Just an unslakable urgency to feed skeletons,

Keep putatively healthy wraiths sheltered,

In a single-mindedly tax-insatiable welfare state

That spends 100 percent of its GDP

On devising new science, to ensure corpses won't die?


As outlandish an outcome as it might seem,

On first blush, second thought, third sigh, fourth gasp,

There is a tried-and-true compassionate strategy

For winnowing populations to a manageable size,

One that promotes life: genocide,

Which seems, to me, to be as inevitable as breathing,

Nature's one surefire final solution to the mankind question.











03/05/10 - (1)













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