Archive 03/25/10 - (2)


The Oracle of BNSF


Warren Buffet is nothing less than a hyperinflated Nazi,

A money-grubbing, cornhusking whore of the highest order,

An Aryan who practices the subtle arts of capitalistic genocide,

With a penchant for plucking the most robust stocks

Depending from the tree of the knowledge of evil and evilest,

A Pied Piper of the darkest Reichsmarks,

Goose-stepping his sheep-fleecing-devotee armies

Out of Omaha's Protocols of the Elders of Zion stations,

Down the tracks, past Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Sobibor,

To Berkshire, Geico, Hathaway, and Coca-Cola,

Where a single share of $122,000 Vaterland class-A preferred

Buys their way out of the gas chambers and ovens

And into castles and country estates on the Juden-Rhine,

So they can spend the rest of their lives shorting death,

While Reichskanzler Warren corners the market on the trains,

Convinced that what's good for BNSF (Berlin Nazi Sieg Führer)

Is good for Deutschland, in the short runs to Jewvervilles

And in the thousand-year long haul to Valhalla.















03/25/10 - (2)













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