Archive 03/29/10 - (1)




Despite Afghanistan's constitutional ban on opium cultivation...

Despite the fact that 10 percent of the profits from poppies

Goes back to the Taliban (as protection-money tithes,

To keep the fields safe, the product flowing),

So that they can continue to retaliate against American forces,

Who are there to deal their insurgency a deathblow...

Despite the fact that the U.S. has vowed, vociferously,

To destroy all the crop exploding in the robust pod fields,

Even though our exalted powers-that-be on the ground,

General Stanley A. McChrystal and Commander Jeffrey Eggers,

Have made a "gentlemen's agreement," with the elders of Marja

(Where 60–70 percent of the people farm opium),

To turn a blind eye to the illicit trade

("We don't trample the livelihood of those we're trying to win over")...

Despite the fact that heroin kills thousands, worldwide...

Because of these and all the other "despite"s,

I can't seem to make myself write political poems anymore.











03/29/10 - (1)













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