Archive 04/15/10 - (2)


"Starting In," "Starting Out"


Many times, I've heard the expressions, the phrases, the idioms

"I'm starting in" and "I'm starting out,"

And I've always been puzzled, wondered if they're the same,


Found myself benignly uncertain

About the seemingly oxymoronic juxtaposition of their prepositions,

Suspecting, nonetheless, that they possess compelling affinities,


That their meanings, intentions, significations, connotations

Engender from identical dimensions,

In essence, allude to the incipience of glorious explorations,


Suggest that an intrepid conquistador, at least a Don Quixote,

Is embarking on some grand, noble conquest,

Pursuing a winged aspiration, climbing a Jacob's ladder,


Hoping to discover a new trade route to the Spice Islands,

A new lost colony in the New-found World,

A new fountain of youth, Cíbola, Machu Picchu, Tenochtitlán,


A new galaxy, constellation, confederation of city-states,

Capable of supporting new tribes, nations, civilizations,

Promoting cognition, intellection, ideation, imagination, creation.


And so it is that sitting outdoors, this warm spring night in April,

Two days before my sixty-ninth birthday,

I'm about to embark on my first peregrination to wherever,


Caring less than hardly not at all if I arrive,

Sensing that the excitement, the sport, the blood-rush of discovery

Requires nothing more, nothing less, than heading off,

With no direction in mind, no conception as to destiny's destiny,

Embracing the new certainty that "starting in" and "starting out"

Are 99 percent of the undertaking; the rest takes care of itself.










04/15/10 - (2)













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