Archive 04/22/10 - (1)




Normally, he awakens to a strangely vague brain-klaxon,

Which, myriad mornings before —

Too many mornings before,

In a long-distant past pocked with chimney stacks

Belching black, acrid, gas-swirled ash,

Invisible human particulates populating the sky,

With crowlike shadows circling on thermal whirlpools —

Has grasped him from sleep's demons, at the last second,

Lifted him to nebulous safety, above death's trafficked factories.


Only, this particularly particulated brain-klaxon-blasting a.m.,

Nightmare refuses to let loose of his bloody scruff.

It suffocates his will to escape,

Forces him to repeat, in a litany of gasping breaths,

"I deserve to be obliterated, annihilated, exterminated,

In the name of Father Germany,

For being-Jewish crimes against humanity,"

Repeat this anthem a thousand times, at least,

Before it releases him, to board morning's transport, to reality.












04/22/10 - (1)













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