Archive 05/08/10 - (2)



The Sand, the Sky, the Tides


A Saturday-afternoon beach teeming with gleeful people

Congregating in the seaweed-strewn, sun-heated sand

Bordering the shores of Hollywood, Florida...


For a fifth day, in a row, at the hospitable ocean,

We're surrounded by myriad souls

Speaking diversified languages of transient happiness, laughter,


Playing at harnessing the waves, with plastic rafts and rings,

Learning to swim, with water wings,

And braving the farther-out unknown, where few dare go.


Rather than being distracted by their antics, exuberance,

We're raptured, glad just to be here,

Seizing our graceful hour in the arms of the star's hot halo —


Sister and brother to the sand, the sky, the tides,

Alive to the finite possibilities of right now's futurity,

Lovers holding the ocean, close, in our arms.








05/08/10 - (2)














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