Archive 05/12/10



Ooze to Ooze, Slime to Slime


One way-too-brief season, an infinity of eons ago,

So long before memory had evolved sufficiently

To keep forgetting from decimating my cerebral cortex,

With its primordial tortures, premeditated societal genocides,

I awakened from Earth's maternal ooze,

Rose from the slime, into a state of sublime innocence,

I an adventitious, primitivistic, vestigial throwback to Adam.


And in that coming-undone of unencumbered slumber,

The casting-off of cryogenic hibernation of the ages,

That seemingly eternal stirring toward the beginning of words,

That jettisoning of growls, howls, wails, screeches, barks, snarls,

For the eloquence of Dead Sea Scrolls, Davidic psalms,

I realized that nothing I'd ever accomplish, in my lives,

Would, could reconcile the stigmatic strike of original sin, against me,


Redeem, exonerate, absolve my helplessly innocent spirit

Of its congenital flaw of having been born imperfect, defectible.

And it was then, in that vividly revelatory moment

When knowing drifted, sifted into my frontal lobes,

That I chose, of my own woefully unemotional volition, to call it quits,

Opted to climb back down into the ooze, the slime,

Eschew all possibilities of future humanity.


After and before all, I was no fool — no, indeed.

In truth, what I saw, in that way-too-brief season, eons ago,

Terrified, terrorized me so,

That the only maneuver of my suspended senses I could defend

Was to decline life entirely, absolutely, once and for never after,

Stop mankind from dividing mitotically, proliferating, metastasizing,

Suffering the ultimate shame of destroying itself...which I did, amen!























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