Archive 05/15/10 - (2)


Eastern-Cottonwood Days


Yesterday's cloud-scattering afternoon

Was a blizzard of Eastern-cottonwood seed-snow.

The breezy, warm air was astir with softly tufted flakes

That seemed to be coming from everywhere,

Drifting, skittering, sifting, changing positions,

Not originless, destinationless, but just there,

In my hair, my eyes, my throat, my chest, my essence.


These trees, whose leaves greened only ten days ago,

Are fruiting out, sprouting flowers —

Catkins in elliptical capsules,

Budding into vessels with cottony sails

Chancing the winds of happenstance,

Many making their way to the lake,

Hoping to survive, reach spring's shores, and take root.









05/15/10 - (2)













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