Archive 05/18/10 - (1)


Glory Days


This springtide week in Lake Nebagamon,

I find myself in the prime time of the growth-spurt season;

Everything arboreal is burgeoning.


A giddy, verdant unfurling of deciduous leaves is occurring —

Maples, paper birches, poplars, cottonwoods, ashes, elms,

Especially excitingly vibrant are the sweet crabapples,


Whose clustered, five-petaled flowers, in voluptuous abundance,

Display hues ranging from cream, through pink, to fuchsia.

And everywhere, swirling seeds blur the air.


Equally apparent is the growth that shows on conifers —

White and red pines, Norway spruces, cedars, balsam firs.

You can gauge it by the new shoots ("candles") at branch tips,


Measure each annual increase by eye and hand,

Since additions are cast in lighter greens, softer to the touch.

There's a reverence that possesses all these godly trees,


As they lift their arms to the fulgent sun, the stars,

Say and sing their prayers, praises, and hallelujahs,

During these glory days that begin and end in May.








05/18/10 - (1)













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