Archive 05/19/10 - (2)


Fecund May


What a seething season of epiphanies and ecstasies this is,

To be alive, breathing, thriving, growing, surviving

Or to be born, hatched, budding, flowering, fructifying.

It's all such a mysterious, mystical miracle,

This progression of procreation, propagation, perpetuation,

The very idea of nativity, renascence, renewal, regeneration,

Precious physical presence engendering from spiritual essence —

Whatever is required to bring nonexistent matter

Into the cellular immediacy of a palpable, visceral here and now

Conceived, from seeds, in lush, heated, wet uteruses, eggs, soil

Whose primal, elemental, seminal, fundamental purpose

Is to recreate Creation, from beginning to beginning,

Until each spring's fecundations, gestations, incubations, efflorescences

Lead, again and again, to endless again-and-agains,

Each new life a universe giving life to newer universes.









05/19/10 - (2)













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