Archive 05/21/10 - (2)


Speaking of Seasons


We glean meaning, our reason for being, from the seasons,

Which differentiate themselves from each other

Even as they unite us with the benedictions of their continuity,


Define our life phases by the transformations of their spirits,

Teach us to keep time with the rhythms of their transitions,

Delight our souls, with their protean nights and days.


Civilization, down to the man, woman, newborn,

Owes its most humbling and ennobling virtues to the seasons,

Those comings and goings, which, cyclical yet discrete,


Bequeath us the mystery of all nature,

Piquing our curiosity to know how existence will exist,

Whether they'll take us into their confidence or keep us guessing.









05/21/10 - (2)













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