Archive 05/26/10 - (1)



Getting Dressed


Day in, day out, day after day, ad infinitum, amen —

And so it has gone, and so it went,

And so, too, to this day, does it go, does it keep on going,


The ceaseless repetition of the same-old same old,

Of preparing his public persona for mundane presentation,

The dressing, at bedside, of his naked flesh, essence,


For one more fresh look at his old spirit, older soul,

One more assessment of his disingenuous presence

Yet pretending to relish getting up yet another head of steam...


But for what, just what, he's never really been sure,

Never, truth's beans be spilled, ever really known,

Other than during that time when, in youth, he'd be awakened,


Told to leap from the sheets bright-eyed and bushy-tailed,

So as to seize, grab, the day, by its short hairs, its horns,

Make the most out of each precious second of daylight, moon glow,


All of which, from that advanced stage of early-age disenchantment,

Made him recoil, rebel, want to malinger in bed,

Refuse to put on his clothes, face the day, with anticipation, enthusiasm,


Indeed, drained his spirit of all its potential vim and vigor,

Caused him to play hooky from school,

Escape to Canada, when eighteen, to avoid being sent to Vietnam,


Only to be pardoned, in 1977, by President Jimmy Carter,

Allowed to return home, to face the prospect of leading a decent life,

Getting a new lease on respectability, conformity, normalcy,

The very virtuous characteristics that he'd always tried to elude,

Since all he ever wanted to be was nonexistent,

The be-all and end-all of endless nonbeing —


In other words, a person without a public persona,

Without a private soul, without a name, identity, shadow,

Without a reason, a need, to dress for work, life, death...


In still other words, an entity desiring to be less than anonymous,

Less than inessential, less than nonexistent,

Something more along the lines of a pre-Creational void, an absence,


Just so that day in, day out, day after day, ad infinitum, amen,

He might not be compelled to exit sleep's emptiness,

Dress in the same-old-same-old, same-old same old.










05/26/10 - (1)














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