Archive 05/26/10 - (2)



The End Times


These dog days of flagrant recessionary molestation

Are one great big rabid basset hound's bite in the ass,

A dog-eat-cat-eating-dog three-dog twilight,

A sleight-of-hand credit-default-swap derivative gone to the dogs,

Guaranteed to give birth to a worldwide litter of runt-chumps,

Dog shit flowing from every doghouse faucet across America,

A dog-and-pony show one pony shy of a Shylock,


Chapter 7–come-11s and -13s erupting in Iceland, Greece, Spain,

A colossal catastrophic corruption of character,

Thanks to a universal scourge of Scrooge McDuck,

The liquidation of kindness, charity, compassion, love,

That ancient dowry God bequeathed each of us,

Long before He second-mortgaged mankind, got foreclosed on,

And was forced to move in with His in-laws, in Hades.






05/26/10 - (2)














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