Archive 05/31/10 - (1)



Swimming Home



I choose to spend this Memorial Day afternoon sedentarily,

On a shady English Woodland Garden bench,

Seeking the epitome of serenity,

A splendid, gentle anodyne

To the quotidian frenzy that owns my striving psyche...

Sedentarily and by myself,

In a quiescence reverberant with the harmonies of a stream

Singing mellifluously, obliviously,

As mystical waters do, on their way to transcendent seas.


And all that's required of me, this undemanding day,

Is to suspend my insensitivity,

Open wide my tightly closed soul,

And invite, into its surprisingly spacious chambers,

The primal wonderment Creation bequeathed my kind,

When Eden was the flesh's only pleasure,

And transgression had yet to transgress,

Disguised as ophidian delights

Pretending to be descended from a resplendent realm.


For an earthly hour's eon of clockless eternity,

I rest recumbent, mindfulness my guide,

Tuning my breathing to the cadences of a distant music

Calling me to its divine altar,

Deeper in the garden than my essence has ever ventured.

On awakening to its soothing euphony,

I find myself floating, nude,

In an ocean flowing slowly through the hollows of my bones,

Swimming home, to the intimate oneness of the universe.











05/31/10 - (1)














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