Archive 07/01/10 - (4)


Homage to Northern Wisconsin's Stars


Stars so high, so far out in the deepest black galactic space,

That they seem to be leaving for other universes,

Fall from the sky, into my eyes — one, two, three, five at a time —


Apprising me that even heavenly bodies are fallible, impermanent,

Prone to burning out, dying,

Giving way, making room for newer stellar confederations


Capable of appropriating the entire northern Wisconsin night cosmos,

Below which I sit, staring, keeping solitary sacred vigil

Over the constellations' myriad lambencies,


Counting every meteor that plummets from distant dimensions,

Into my own placid expanse of sky, here at dock's end,

Where all my own creative energies have aligned,


To capture, in some recognizable vision of God's whelming design,

An approximation of the universal truth that shaped mankind,

An acceptably poetic explanation for existence,


Justification for being sentient, passionate, filled with child-wonder,

Poised to seize the entirety of everything,

In the blink of the Mind's eye behind my mind's earthbound eyes,


If only to tell myself that those so-far-out, so-high stars

Begging me to seek sleep, in the glowing recesses of the moon,

Hold all the secrets and will ensoul my next life.











07/01/10 - (4)













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