Archive 07/04/10 - (2)


Every Year


Have you ever thought

And really believed, in your arteries,

In your heart-of-hearts heart,

That there's no place other,

In the whole world wide,

Than right here,

Wherever that here may be,

No other place in the nation,

No other space in your imagination,

On the face of the planet,

Or in the vast recesses of the universe,

That you'd rather be,

Might just possibly tempt you to leave,

Even if someone offered you the full moon,

Lured you to an enchanted land,

At least caused you to think thrice

About the certainty of your belief?


I have, and do, this July 4,

As I did last year,

In this same peaceful village,

Seated at this same table,

On this same deck

Of this same restaurant

Overlooking this same green lawn

(With people eating, mingling,

Keeping tabs on their rambunctious young,

Carrying their blankets and portable chairs

To the fireworks display,

Still more than two hours away),

Sloping past this same American flag,

Down to this same public beach.

And I know I'll have this same feeling

Every year,

Whether I'm here or not.







07/04/10 - (2)













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