Archive 08/11/10 - (1)



Living Love



To awaken at pleasure's behest,

Making slow, sweet, endlessly rapturous love,

On the morning after traipsing, stone by irregular stone,

Through the grieving streets of Pompeii,

Past its truncated, vacant habitations, its incomplete destiny,

Is to feel the vitality and the sensuality of its industrious souls.


This last full day in Rome, we vow to hold each other's hands,

Share in the seizing of its immaculate offerings,

Promise to tell our psyches, repeatedly,

Just how lucky we are to be so completely, uninhibitedly passionate,

So alive with the potency and poetry

Of gods and goddesses singing, dancing through our blood,


Blood that flowed, once again, yesterday,

Through the veins of Pompeians

Who spoke to us as we passed in and out of their yet-vibrant lives,

Blood still surging, this sunny Wednesday,

As we celebrate those star-stopped spirits who came before us,

Hoping, just like us, to have their love never end.









08/11/10 - (1)














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