Archive 08/23/10 - (1)







"Is today the twenty-fourth?" I ask my waitress.

"No, that's tomorrow," she says, through a Monday-morning yawn.

"That's what I get when I don't read a paper —

Don't know where I am or when or who.

And truth be told, I don't really give a damn."


"Me neither," she adds to our nonconversation.

"It don't matter what you call 'em,

What date you give 'em;

They just come and go like a plague of locusts,

Roll over and die like possums in the middle of the road."


"Yeah, I know what you mean," I mumble,

Unwilling, I suppose, to leave well enough completely alone.

"One day's just like another — work's circle jerk."

"Now, ain't that the truth?"

"Did you say today's tomorrow? Then what's yesterday? Today?"







08/23/10 - (1)














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