Archive 10/14/10 - (2)






Since the beginning of existence

(Which you and I, Linda,

Can calibrate as an eternity, an eon, a millennium, a century,

Or as just the year and two months we've known each other,

In this lifetime, anyway),


The two of us, whether strolling in the park or Botanical Garden,

Attending plays, symphonies, ballets, dining out,

Worshiping in church, Sunday mornings,

Or in temple, during High Holy Days services,

Sleeping over, at one another's homes, weekends...


The two of us, since the beginning of existence,

Have, while doing everything together, held hands constantly,

Stroked, gently, tenderly, affectionately, soothingly,

Each other's forearms, shoulders, hair,

Caressing each other's cheeks, kneading each other's necks,


Never, it seems (even during last evening's sleepy intimacies),

Neglecting to keep our fingers in touch with the other's flesh,

In touch with our bodily senses, not cognitive responses,

In touch with the primate behavior of our mirror neurons,

Which fire when we desire to demonstrate unadulterated acceptance,


Reassure us soul mates that our love, our trust are unconditional,

Our empathy for one another's pain and pleasure unwavering...

Appreciating our holding, stroking, caressing, kneading

To such a gratifying degree of tactile passion,

That our two bodies become indistinguishably connected, one.












10/14/10 - (2)














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