Archive 11/04/10 - (1)



Once, Just Once



Once, just once,

I made the mistake, after waking beside you,

Of slipping, invisibly, from sleep's comforting sheets,

Dressing in the kitchen's dim-lit silence,

And leaving you — a fugitive breeze avoiding tree leaves —

My lips not kissing your cheeks, not rimming your breasts,

My tongue tip not licking your nipples,

My soul not evoking Romeo and Juliet soliloquies...

Leaving you bereft of my unspoken stroking.


Once, just once,

I discovered, in my genuinely well-intentioned desire

To keep from disturbing your slumber,

That what I'd created was nothing less

Than the emptiness we both knew before we met.












11/04/10 - (1)














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