Archive 11/15/10 - (3)



Winter's Imminence


It seems that as grim autumn's daylight grows dim and dimmer,

My days diminish to mere simulacrums of meteors

That once bore the core of my life-force,

In glorious flashes and flares of gaseous brilliance,

Toward the farthest corners of the Lord's perfect universe.


The deeper I peer, into the sky protecting my earthly purview

From demons circling, in search or lifeless prey,

The more certain I am that time has abandoned my corpse,

Left me with just the feeblest powers of discernment,

To fend off evil elements meant to permanently darken my spirit.


To say that I awaken and fall asleep in impenetrable obscurity

Is to tell but a quarter or an eighth of a half-truth

Regarding the scope of my heart's present dislocation.

In fact, the blackness of my frigid near-existence is bleak,

A stark reminder of imminent winter's spectral desolation,


Huddling, in trees, like hideous turkey buzzards —

Those bottom feeders with the red-bleeding, featherless heads —

Believing they've assumed the shapes, taken the camouflaged places,

Of brittle, brown, shriveled leaves the trees have released,

Assuming their disguise, to confuse my truth-seeking sensibilities.


Tonight, in a blind mindlessness, alone even to myself,

I'm driving home, through a forest of slowly decaying gravestones,

Weaving through sodden, worm-knotted clods of fog,

Trying, with hopeless abandon, to locate my soul,

Buried somewhere between dismal autumn and abysmal winter.










11/15/10 - (3)














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