Archive 01/02/11



Our Music





What you and I are experiencing,

In this time of ours,

Is emblematic, symbolic, archetypal,

A syncopation of our lives,

Nothing less than a rhapsody of our two souls,

Playing in the key of timelessness.





Tonight, at French 75,

Ensconced in a burgundy-leather banquette,

Our bodies reverberating

To Mike Hamilton's guitar and piano,

Transfixed by the mystical vibrations

Emanating from his improvisatory rhythms, phrasings,

We intermingle fingers, gently hold hands,

Across the table from each other,

And we know we're not lost

In the space separating us,

Rather suspended

In the perpetual entwining of our intimacy,

In the infancy of our affections' tender immensity,

Which composes the score of our souls

As the cosmos weaves its harmonies

Into the strings and keys that release our love.






















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