Archive 01/04/11 - (1)



What I've Learned



If I've learned anything about the unpredictable nature

Of time leaping the great divide,

It's that it has to be grasped while it's elapsing,

Arrested in its implacable tracks,

And, unless released on its cogs' recognizance,

Forced to confess its merciless evanescence,

Accept the consequences of its crimes against immortality,

Serve out its sentience, in voluntary confinement,

Before it resumes its haphazard chron-illogical passage

To the clockless side of silence,

Again delivers every hapless emigrant to eternity,

To learn to tell time all over again.

But what good does this knowledge serve you or me,

You being deaf to death, I being blind to life?









01/04/11 - (1)














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