Archive 01/19/12 - (1)





I realize, to the depths of my being, that change is not an evil,

Rather a coeval of all the best of humankind's greatest progress.

Upgrades, continuously obsoleting themselves, are usually salubrious.


They advance our understanding of everything, anything, nothing,

Allow us to accomplish infinitely more, or immeasurably less,

In a given week or nanosecond, than we once conceived conceivable.


And yet, what concerns me is how all of this change is changing us,

Addicting our psyches to its e-opiates, its i-aphrodisiacs,

Intoxicating our spirits, with visions of omnipotent omniscience.


"How do I know all of this?" you might be asking Google, Wikipedia.

It's because I'm now connected via Wi-Fi + 33G —

I've been upgraded to a generation that's incompatible with my soul.









01/19/12 - (1)













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