Archive 01/23/12 - (1)





Elohim's mystic call to us,

To trust, reverentially, in His loving covenant,

Invites our lips to kiss, our flesh to caress,

Our faith to blend our spirits in togetherness,

As we awaken into day's coruscating Jordan —

Sunrays bathing our bedroom, in liquid warmth —

And guides us to a land where we can rejoice,

You wandering Canaan, with Abraham and Sarai,

I climbing Mount Sinai, with Moses,

Until we return, safe, to each other's embrace,

After being an eternity away, all day,

And, certain we've been created from their same clay

(Trusting, as we do YHWH, ourselves),

Devote the remainder of our souls' evening

To sowing seeds yielding love's flowering hours,

For endless generations of our tender touching to pluck.






01/23/12 - (1)













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