Archive 01/26/12





"Goddamnit! There're just so many Jewman-being creatures

Proliferating with the propulsive unfurlings of solar flares,

It would take an arsenal of our newest V2s

To blow that species off the face of this rat-swarming planet,

Expunge their Christ-maiming Untermenschen race from Aryan Earth."


But all the rockets launched from Koblenz, Westerwald, Watten

Wouldn't be enough to eradicate, exterminate, obliterate, annihilate

The whole tribe of us "odious beasts of burdensome greed."

Indeed, long after the apocalyptic smoke died, dissipated, faded,

There would yet be pockets of us surviving in the ash and slime,


Just as we did in the bowels of Auschwitz's and Treblinka's latrines,

During the height of the Nazi Judenrein enlightenment,

When Hitler's epiphany was translated into the latest Revelation

And read by a totally devoted, wholly hypnotized nation

Of Hollerith clones operating Dehomag card-punch machines.


Oh, to be sure, were God to weary of our world-wearied spirits,

Our deviations from His covenantal oneness with us,

We and He would decease simultaneously,

Simply cease to hope, dream, breathe, be,

In the blinding blink of Creation's six days of cursed reversal.


But even then, enough of us would defy, deny dying's silence,

Scream out our paltry, feeble voices, in the wilderness's bleakness,

To seed the planet with such an abundance of our newborns

That Armageddon would lose its momentum, quit the battlefield,

And death, getting confused, believing everlastingness conceivable,


Would proclaim the end of inquisitions, pogroms, holocausts,

Promote compassion, forgiveness, and brotherly wisdom,

Especially among the discipleship of anti-Semites,

Who'd disseminate, proselytize divine love, exclaiming,

"The Chosen people are God's last hope for glory personified."






















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