Archive 02/23/12



Ashes Wednesday



Once again, the movable season of Lent is fast announcing itself

(As it has, for the past two legendary Teutonic millenniums),

Reminding, exhorting all us true believers to mourn, repent . . .


Lent or, more precisely, its first manifestation, Ash Wednesday,

When we fervent, ritual-preserving German Catholics and Lutherans,

Observant of the core truth of our Lord Jesus Christ


(Who died for us, that we might live for/in/through Him, forever),

Somberly, stoically, proudly, collectively, innocently

Boast crosses on our foreheads,


Crosses made of the smudged ashes of burned leaves

Resurrected from the previous year's Palm Sunday celebration . . .

Ashen approximations of the Hakenkreuze we once shouldered


When immolating our Juden, whom our Reichsfeldsavior renounced,

Sending those Christ-defilers to our smoking Golgothas,

Where they perished and we cast their ashes into Never Happened.


Tomorrow, we who lived through that glorious era and thrive yet

Will attend Ash Wednesday church services and pray

That the Lord might forgive those kikes, for forcing us to kill them.



















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