Archive 02/28/11 - (1)



Free Speech



With every successive week

We spend suspended in the serenity of each other's affections,

Devoted to articulating the measureless free speech

Of our one heart's eloquent sensuality,

What we experience is an abrupt sense of painful emptiness,

On parting, every Sunday's closing, Monday's opening,

As if a drain in the sky had allowed the clouds to escape

Or a cloaca had let a whole ocean flow away

Or a hole in our one soul

Had asked every last atom of our love to abandon our past,

Give time another chance to assert its ukase over our timelessness.


Only, when I draw the door, like a weight of sorrow, behind me,

I always do so knowing that the abrupt sense of painful emptiness

Is meant to steel the resolve of our resilient spirits,

Strengthen the autonomy of our necessary independence,

Create a yearning so omnipotent

That we both overcome the centrifugal force of our separation,

Translating the space between us

Into a sky crowding with clouds, through a melancholy sigh,

Or an ocean returning to its original shape, through an embrace,

Or our one flesh homing in on our soul's past,

Bringing us back to the next breaths of our free-speech ecstasy.













02/28/11 - (1)













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