Archive 02/29/12






Each and every action, event, idea, vision, dream

Must have its flash point, matrix, origin, source,

Its incipience, denouement, closure, conclusion, solution;


Each and every one, whether darkened or illuminated,

Must come to life or die, tell a truth or spew a lie,

Celebrate victory or defeat, be memorable or forgettable;


Each and every one must be sinister or evil-free,

Philanthropic or reeking with misanthropy,

Reality-driven or partaking of fantasy, surreality;


Each and every "or" must have its polarity's final say,

Its reason for being and its meaning for being not . . .

Or so I believed, with the certainty of a naive child,


Until I found my naked flesh trembling with questions,

My chest pressed against my wife's pounding breasts,

My heart choking on almond-sweetened disbelief.





















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