Archive 03/14/11 - (2)






At the closure and opening of each of our days together,

We call in, gather up, reassemble all our scattered atoms,

From waking's eclectic preoccupations, dreams' esoteric recesses,


Focus every heartbeat of our rested or weary vessels

On the tips of our spirits' love-yearning tongues,

And begin a stimulating dialogue between our flesh and our souls.


It's then that we realize, with the first strokes of our fingers' groping

Along the contours of our bared bodies,

That we're transcending our diurnal patterns of caring and sharing,


Arriving at a rarefied place of infinite worship,

In which none of the normal mortal protocols applies, satisfies,

Where we're required to embrace something deeper, more intensified,


Which will guide us to the altar of a higher consciousness,

One based on faith in the purity and sanctity of each other's grace,

Inspire us to concentrate on the blessed gift of our awareness,


Reverence's, adoration's mystical visitation on the two of us,

In which all else, except us, falls away,

Leaving a resurrection, of sorts — a glowing aura of love's glory,


A pristine, immaculate essence of the flesh's godhead,

Which beckons us to celebrate our Eden and our eternity,

In the perpetual sexual revelations of our blessed nakedness.







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