Archive 03/28/11



Those Bestial Creatures That Roam My Nightmares



In a vast stratification of Cretaceous desolation

Lie the fossils of colossal creatures resting in silence —

The remains of mindless, chaotic vegetable- and flesh-eaters

That stalked and ravaged terraqueous Earth's steamy sea-swamps.

It's there, where their eerie shrieks, screeches, moans still terrify the air,

That my nightmares dare wander,

As though they might yet stir up some saurian monstrosities

To shred my psyche's lobes, with their awful claws, fangs, scales,

Leave me rotting, as fodder for the pterodactylic demons of the sky.


But what you don't know, couldn't conceivably fathom,

About the regressive primordial nature of my metamorphosing mind,

Is that, nightly, it invites just such aberrations to imagination's plains,

That it might resurrect, from graves sixty-five million years cold,

So many remnants of notions beyond the scope of normal human souls,

To remind me that poetry is a single ravenous stegosaurus

That can swat a forest to the ground, with its tail, and eat it whole,

Or a lone, starving, renegade tyrannosaurus

That can consume, in a few slashing, bloody bites, the stegosaurus.






















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