Archive 05/15/11 - (2)



Wild Mustard


For three palpably rain-saturated May days,

Driving a daydream, between Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana,

All I've been seeing, breathing, conceiving

Has been vibrant orange-flowering wild mustard,

That beguiling siren-weed, which, within weeks, days,

Will be plowed under, to make way for life-feeding crops,


My eyes gathering in the endless acres of blurry orange hues,

Inhaling, luxuriantly, lustily,

The humidity-thick visual scent of spring's incipience.

Though I know that, on my next passage through this land,

I'll be inundated by an ocean of seven-foot cornstalks

And soybean-green seas of lush fecundity,


I wish, wistfully, I could hold at bay the metamorphosis

On the verge of sweeping these weeds into earthen oblivion,

Keep the grains from choking out my prized plants,

I sole proprietor of this rural domain

Three states wide, deep, seething, and orange,

Who'd let daydreaming's wild mustard overgrow his soul.









05/15/11 - (2)













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