Archive 06/22/11 - (3)



It's Not Only All About


It's not only all about

The discrete collection of creatures, exotic to New York City,

Aggregated in the Central Park Zoo —


Red pandas, snow leopards, toucans, parrots, swan geese,

Penguins, bats, cranes, polar bears, sea lions,

Showcased in its tropical, temperate, and polar zones...


It's not only all about

The placement of this unnatural, fantastical animal habitat

Smack-dab within the distracting traffic cacophony


Of Central Park South and classically high-class Fifth Avenue,

Flourishing in the heart of a park every bit as magical

As any machete-hacked tract of Brazilian rain forest...


It's not only all about

The confederacy of variously assimilated baby and ancient turtles

Stacked three-, four-, five-high, languishing on a log...


It's not only all about

The fabulously mechanically animated Delacorte Clock,

Which comes to life every half-hour, on the animalian half-hour,


Setting free its orbiting bronze menagerie —

Bear, kangaroo, hippo, goat, penguin, and elephant

Making music to the bell-hammering of two whimsical monkeys...


But mostly all about the two of us, you and I, Linda,

Focusing this entire afternoon exclusively on who we are:

Children who never want to go home, just play in the park forever.




06/22/11 - (3)













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