Archive 07/18/11



Our Weekends


Lately, every weekend we spend in each other's sweet keeping,

Inventing resplendent agendas that commence with the ordinary

And evolve as if through the rarified transcendence of paired eagles

Glorifying the sky, with their soaring's fluid symmetry,

Before we finally reach sleep's deepest retreats

And climax in sensual crescendos of flesh breathing flesh,

We recognize that our love is entering into a new covenant,

Composing our souls into a oneness holier than close,

Infinitely more intimate and wholly accepting, longingly belonging,

Than we'd have believed possible when youth's hormones sundered us,

And we've begun questioning what these wonders signify,

Whether we're destined to declare ourselves paired eagles,

Mated for life, lovers united from now on,

Or at least for as long as the rest of our lifetimes' stretch,

Beyond the farthest edges of all that forgetting will remember,

When fall recalls our hearts to the start of their shared sublimity,

That beginning of the innocence, the exploration of the ordinary,

That transcendence preceding this glorification of sky,

Which would bring us to the precipice of this winged weekend,

From which we two, you and I, Linda, will forever soar,

As though tomorrow and yesterday, the twin sources of our love,

Were inviting us home, until our weekends converge on eternity.



















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