Archive 08/14/11 - (2)



Le déjeuner


Just you and I, mon cherie,

Sitting in the refreshing shade

Dripping from green-russet chestnut trees

Deep in the Tuileries,

You eating mozzarella cheese, tomatoes,

I savoring poulet-and-dried-tomato salad,

Both of us dipping baguette slices

In a dish of olive oil,

All under a gray-mottled cerulean sky,

And best of all,

Absolutely better than best of all,

Is that this festival of simple cuisine,

This glorious déjeuner,

In this heart of the jardin-soul of Parisian life,

Is happening spontaneously,

On a once-upon-a-Sunday ever-afternoon.





08/14/11 - (2)













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